Friday, May 15, 2015

We Are Floridians

We are Floridians. Born here or transplants, we all share certain traits; but, like the change of the seasons, you have to know the signs.
            We are water babies. Oceans, rivers, lakes, springs, swamps, marshes and the one and only everglades make water equal to the land in our fair state. Floridians interact with water in so many ways and so routinely that we can’t imagine our lives without water. Ask a Floridian if they could live away from it and they just shake their heads. Heck, on some days it’s so humid we swear we’re breathing the stuff. Many of us are armed with towels, swimsuits, flip-flops, fishing rods, just on the off chance that we’ll get to hit the water, whatever form that takes. Water is so integral, it's even featured on our state seal.
            We expect sunny days. Rain is for cooling us off and keeping us green but we don’t expect it to last longer than an hour so. We are the sunshine state, after all. Sunscreen is sold year round. In a parking lot, it isn't the closest spots that are taken first; it’s the shadiest. And if you want to see a real sun obsession, just check out the number of sunrise and sunset photos Floridians take.
            We grow stuff year round. Natives know when to plant the warm season crops and when to start their cool season crops. Newcomers get to know the “old timers” and find out right quick that the rules from back home won’t work here. We know which varieties of ‘mater will bear the heat and which type of rose can resist the dread spot. Floridians garden year round so they know to pace themselves and listen to the rhythm of the earth. If you move to Florida, eventually the desire to grow something will bloom in you.
            We are private. This is the heart of why Floridians are a bit hard to pin down. We’re friendly, but because we are partly a tourist state, we've learned that fortunes come and fortunes go. We've been built on booms and busts and it’s happened more times than it should have. Whether you were a Cracker eking out a living or a Seminole escaping removal to a reservation, a political refugee or just someone in need of a warm home for your weary bones, you look to Florida to give you peace. Millions found it, and made this their place in the sun.

            In the coming posts, we’ll explore more about what makes us Florida.

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